About Us
Connecting churches to Develop leaders and Deploy them for mission because lostness IS the greatest problem in our region.
Saint Louis Metro is an autonomous association of 100+ theologically like minded churches in our area, partnering together to develop leaders and deploy them for mission. As doctrinal Baptists, we cherish our inheritance. We are a people of the Book, who recognize no other authority for faith and practice but God’s Word. Thus, we receive and affirm those doctrines revealed in the Bible, and we are unembarrassed to take our stand upon the solid rock of biblical authority. Our confessions represent statements of those doctrines revealed in the Bible. The Bible is the source of our authority, not merely a support for our historic doctrines.
Our agreed upon doctrinal statement as an association of partnering churches is 2000 Baptist Faith and Message. You can read it here.
Connecting churches to develop leaders and deploy them on mission.
Theological Unity / Intentional Diversity / Spirit Dependance / Mission Advancement
Cast a big net / Cultivate real relationships / Develop meaningful membership / Facilitate purposeful partnerships